Before the days of social media, the highest quality advertising was concocted in closed-door boardroom scenarios. It was Mad Men brought to real life, creating content that returned a high ROI for their clients. There were clever clips, memorable catchphrases, and tactful taglines. These days, with Instagrammers and Facebookers the prevalent force at social gatherings, the advertising dollars are best spent elsewhere. If you play your cards right, as Paul Miller did by hosting a Cars & Coffee style event, you can be sure that there will be a colony of eager beavers providing countless images of your unofficial ribbon-cutting, often for little more than a shoutout on their selected social media site.
Read MoreSunshine Overshadows Plentiful Picture Taking.
The seesaw struggle continues. The sunnier the day, the less favorable the pictures. This past Sunday's C&C was a sunny, albeit chilly, spring morning. The thermometer walked the straight and narrow along the 37 degree path, never quite wavering to one side or the other. This didn't stop anyone though, as the cars came out in force.
Read MoreAlligator eyes.
Despite Cold Morning, Cars & Croissants Season Starts off Hot.
If I were to describe the perfect morning to meet up, outside nonetheless, with a bunch of buddies and talk cars, or in my case photograph them, the ideal weather would be 60 degrees and slightly overcast.
Read MoreCars and Croissants cancelled by the cold...and road salt...and snow.
"Cars and Coffee" is a trademarked name, but the idea behind it has spawned numerous variations on the theme throughout the country. The power of the Internet has even spread that popularity throughout the world! There are two main C&Cs in the northern New Jersey region, Cars and Caffe in Bergen County, and Cars and Croissants in the Morris County area.
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