The time has come to get cracking on the 2019 Bearded Mug wall calendar. It’s hard to believe this is the fourth year I’ve had the pleasure of aggregating the featured images for the upcoming calendar and I’m stirring up the status quo for the quaternary edition. In the prior three releases, you the reader were assigned to the selection committee, utilizing the Facebook ‘like’ method to move the favorites along and send the losers packing to picture purgatory.
For 2019, I’m taking back the picking power, sifting through album upon album to present what I feel is a compilation of my best images. Not all of the democratic process is lost, however. Over the next few days, I’ll turn once again to you, my trusted Facebook audience, for your assistance in making some difficult decisions. I’m trying to prolong the appearance of grey hairs, you know.
Greenwich Concours d’Elegance.
Although it feels like the last 10 months have been compressed into one long weekend, in actuality, there have been plenty of long weekends committed to consciousness, able to be accessed from my digital memory in a moment’s notice. My aim is to choose the best representations of those times and memorialize them forever, or for at least one month.
Although the determined images are still under wraps as I make final cuts, rest assured there will be visual ambassadors from the following 2018 events:
Greenwich Concours d’Elegance
Lime Rock Historic Festival
Festival Italiano
Caffeine & Carburetors
Driven to America
Cult Classic
Domenico & Tindara Spadaro Memorial Drive Against Cancer
Cult Classic 13.
Now, I understand that it’s a bold move starting a pre-order when the end product hasn’t quite been fully conceived yet. I get that. However, I am confident that your satisfaction will be exceeded. In fact, I purchased a few other calendars last year from other reputable photographers, to see what other wall choices people had, and was surprised to find the quality of mine a step above in comparison.
Additionally, I’m boosting production to 75 units, since I sold out the 50 I printed last year. Hopefully I repeat the depletion, but I certainly appreciate those multiple purchase orders (they make great holiday gifts, BTW). They’ll again be numbered and initialed to increase their value once I become famous. The one thing I did keep the same is the cost. Like before, each calendar is just $25 shipped, or less than 10 venti coffees or a few combo meals from McDonalds. How’s that for perspective?
Festival Italiano at The Hermitage.
Anyway, let me step down from my pedestal and so I can provide you with the link to the preorder. As always, thanks for the continued support.
**Please note the images you see here are for illustrative purposes only**