With winter’s cold, dark grip wrapped firmly around my mental state, suffocating both my motivation and inspiration, it’s fitting to find a cure for the cabin fever in a strong dose of new beginnings. I’m excited to finally start to realize my goal of taking my passion to the next level. In an effort that has been long overdue, I am pleased to introduce my brand – Bearded Mug Media.
Now, I’m sure there are many questions (or at least one) as to what the name means. In layman’s terms, it’s simply the combination of something I have (had) with something I enjoy – beards and coffee. It’s almost like combining the street you grew up on with your middle name to find your, uhh, “performing” name. Coincidentally, it’s also my initials, but that’s neither here nor there.
Iconic Mercedes-Benz 300SL at the 2014 Greenwich Concours d'Elegance.
So beyond the name, what IS Bearded Mug Media and what do they do? First off, it’s one person – myself – and I take pictures of things I enjoy, primarily cars. In fact, I enjoy all aspects of them and don’t sway too hard to one particular sub-genre or another. That’s not to say I won’t stand behind my VW 110%, but that’s to be saved for a separate post. As you’ll notice from the content I post and the things I report on, I can be found anywhere from the Friday night cruise-in to the weekend Cars and Coffee, from historic races to a Concours d’Elegance. No show is too stealth to fly under my radar and no distance is too great.
The early morning light is most impressive and makes getting up before the sun all the better.
The one thing I’m most excited about is providing actual written content about these events. Even though they say a picture is worth a thousand words, there are many times that I cannot successfully express just how awesome something is with a photograph. It shall be fun to dust off my keyboard, break out my thesaurus, and put words to these pictures beyond the quick quip of a caption.
The McLarens are lined up at Miller Motorcars in Greenwich, CT.
In addition to these words and pictures, what else can I provide to the user? I wouldn’t want to define this too specifically for fear of pigeonholing myself, but in short, I can do everything related to working a camera and explaining it afterwards in a clear and concise manner; an all-in-one roving reporter of the automotive world. If you have an event you want covered in a professional manner, then my services are at your beck and call. Do you want the whole nine yards of both visual and written coverage? Not a problem. Maybe you only want a few shots of a specific car? I can do that, too. Need to fill some blank wall space in your man cave? Prints are available for any of my images in a variety of sizes.
A Fiat Dino enters the parking lot of the local Cars and Croissants.
With February holding on to every last day with a bitter freeze, I look forward to a warmer spring and the flood of carshows that comes with it. I’ve already got a few dates tentatively scheduled, so check back often. Also, if you know of anything that is worth checking out, please let me know!
Thanks and please enjoy the journey with me!