There are big things brewing with Bearded Mug Media. It has been a great year for me, both personally and professionally, and I am excited for what the future brings to the brand. First and foremost, I am marrying the love of my life today. She has been extremely supportive of this venture, especially since I've been galavanting to car shows nearly every weekend over the summer. I am so fortunate to have found someone who is as wonderful and understanding as she and I look forward to spending my life with her. Take note, this life event will result in a suspension of Facebook/Instagram posting and responding over the next week or so, because I will be preoccupied with doing absolutely nothing on a beach.
The next order of business I wanted to bring to everyone's attention is the 2016 Bearded Mug Best wall calendar. I'm sure you all want to be able to proudly showcase some automotive artwork on your shop, kitchen, classroom, or any other wall that you may come in contact with. To choose the images that will represent the months, I am holding (almost) daily contests on Facebook between selected pictures. It's simple, you LIKE the one you want to see in the calendar and the picture with the most LIKES at the close of polling will be chosen. Once completed, calendars will be available for purchase in December.
I am looking to expand into corporate photography...providing glamour shots of a manufacturer's best products, such as this Lexus RC F.
I am also looking to expand Bearded Mug Media in 2016. I will be seeking interested parties for personalized automotive photoshoots, corporate events and any other photo-related activities. Additionally, I can provide written summaries and specialized blog posts for any occasion. I would really like to break out in the publicized arena as well, including magazines and websites. If you are interested, please send me an email at
I still have a bunch of cruise night coverage that I have yet to share with my audience.
Finally, I understand that with every show attendance, comes show coverage. I have an enormous backlog of shows and pictures that I still am going to share in the coming months. This year has been filled with many things, including nearly 20 Cars & Coffee meets, over 15 dedicated shows, and a few cruise nights. And that doesn't even include all of the personal things including a job shift, moving into a house and getting married. With that said, I want to highlight some of the events that will be featured on the blog over the winter.
Ramapo Concours 2015.
The Ramapo Concours took place back in June. I attended for most of the morning, dipping out before awards. However, I still plan to feature it given the college is where I graduated from many moons ago.
Driven By Purpose Harbor Event.
The Driven By Purpose Harbor Event was a charity event on the Hudson River, featuring countless Ferraris, Lamborghinis and other exotics. The venue, with the city skyline in the background, was perfect for a gathering of this size. I will highlight some of the cars and the mission of the DBP group in a dedicated post.
2015 Hemmings Concours d'Elegance.
The Hemmings Concours, one of my favorite events, took place in September at the Saratoga Auto Museum in Saratoga Springs, NY. Again, this is one of those shows that you really need to attend to fully appreciate. This year they featured police cars 1990 and older and had over 30 participants in that category. It certainly deserves a closer look, both in written word and photographically.
2015 Lime Rock Historics, trackside shooting.
The Lime Rock Historics! I took a few thousand pictures here, both on the track and in the paddock. There was so much action over the three day period, that I filled my memory cards each day. It was truly an incredible experience and I look forward to recounting it with a blog post.
2015 Monmouth County Concours.
The Monmouth County Concours was a great event that I attended for the first time this year. I didn't even know about it until I met a fellow who runs it at the Greenwich Concours. Its locale on the farm was perfect, and although the threat of rain cut the cars in half, it was still a great showing.
2015 Deutsche Classic.
Two other shows that I attended for a brief period of time was the Deutsche Classic and the All Air-Cooled Gathering. This will be a joint posting when I eventually get around to it.
All Air-Cooled Gathering.
So that, in a nutshell, is what's been going on and what is coming up! I always encourage interaction, so if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please let me know!